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Expertise with a smile...

Peter Mikula
Managing Director

About Peter Mikula

  • B.E. (Mining Engineering) Univ. NSW 1974

  • Ph.D. (Mining Engineering) Univ. NSW 1980

  • Cert IV (Occupational Health & Safety) Curtin Univ 2003

  • Cert IV (Business – Frontline Management) Curtin Univ 2004


Dr Peter Mikula obtained his B.E. and Ph.D degrees in rock mechanics at the University of NSW in Sydney Australia.


From 1980 as Geotechnical Engineer at ACIRL Ltd, he worked on numerical stress modelling of underground coal mining. From 1986 with Coffey Partners International, he undertook feasibility and design studies for open cut and underground mines in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia.


Then at Mt Charlotte Gold Mine in Kalgoorlie for 12 years, Peter became very conversant with practical issues including seismicity and large underground stope stability. He provided full geotechnical support to planning, design, scheduling, development, stoping, ground support and monitoring aspects of Mt Charlotte, for both the underground workings and the surface gloryhole pit. He was also a key player in mine safety, accident investigation, and risk management.


In 2005 Peter formed Mikula Geotechnics Pty Ltd, a geotechnical consultancy working in underground hard rock mines, with increasing emphasis on seismicity, dynamic capable ground support, and the need for data to support engineering design.


He is also a past Chairman of the WA Ground Control Group, and has authored or co-authored over 50 professional papers.

Links to some of the papers authored or co-authored by Peter Mikula:

Peter is a member of the WA Ground Control Group

Design by Adrian Mikula. © 2022 Peter Mikula

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